This blog is the product of a conversation with a mentor, and friend, over coffee (one of my favorite things). Without using these terms, we were discussing my vocation.. what am I being called to? Where am I being led? To be honest, I have always felt that I am either being pulled to write.. or to share my faith and minister to others. Either way, it seemed to be an "either/or" not a "both/and". I have been continually searching for the great movement or sign that would tip the balance in one direction over the other. It's interesting the clarity that comes with differentiation. You see, what has been months and years of conflict for me, seemed quite simple to my friend. With great ease he casually responded: why don't you blog about it? "It" being my faith, my ministry, my journey. My response, "Why don't I?" And so, here I am, pursuing my own "deep gladness", both eagerly and tentatively. Wish me luck!